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Silver, Wood & Ivory Live! on Stage Concert Video
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Video link will be visible for a limited time:
Friday, April 30 around 4 PM EST
until midnight EST, Sunday, May 2, 2021
(Available 56 Hours)
This concert was filmed at three venues:
American Music Theater, Lancaster, PA
Hershey Theater, Hershey, PA
First Presbyterian Church Lancaster, Lancaster, PA
The concert will open in YouTube.
From YouTube you can replay, rewind or move forward.
Feel free to play this as many times as you wish.
When the video ends, other random YouTube videos will appear to follow. We have no control over this happening.
However, you can still go back and watch our video repeatedly.
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Choose highest quality YouTube settings for optimal viewing.
Note about connecting to TV:
Our YouTube Concert will open on a computer or cellphone with internet. If you would like to "cast" or "send" it to a Smart TV, it can be done. However, each device is unique and requires the correct information to make it happen successfully. Instructions are available with Google searches, but it is outside the realm of our (SWI) expertise to guide and direct individuals to connect them. If you were hoping to access our video through a television screen, a "disappointment" total refund will be available. Let us know through email: SilverWoodandIvory@gmail.com.
We completely understand how overwhelming technology can be these days!!
OR... if anyone who reads this knows a magic trick to send a YouTube link to any TV effortlessly, email us! We will gladly disperse the information!
Help / contact Cindy Wittenberg: 717-330-3737