Welcome to Our First Blog Post!
Two Women
19 Flutes and Recorders
Piano, Celtic Harp and a
Whole Lot of Friendship
We, Tracy and Cindy, have been performing as Silver, Wood & Ivory for 23 years.
This format will allow us to easily answer some of the questions we hear from our fans and keep in touch with you on a regular basis throughout the year.
Questions like:
Do we practice every day? How do we write our music? How much does the contrabass flute weigh? Tell us stories about your experiences while performing concerts. Who is Jeff King? Where did you record?
How did you meet? What is your musical training? Tracy, how do you memorize all of that music? Cindy, which piano do you like to play the most? Tracy, you have perfect pitch. What is that??
Who is Connie? When and how did you purchase the Celtic harp? Tell us about the thing that looks like plumbing.
How did you come up with the idea to perform concerts at Cindy's house?
All these and more questions will be answered in forthcoming posts. STAY TUNED!
We want to know......................
How many SWI CDs do you own?
One or more
All 17 of them
We love our fans! You are the best!!